Update #7 – Models and Art

With a deadline looming our group is hard at work on our respective parts of the project. Karl is programming, constantly polishing and adding in new features like speed upgrades and menus. We ran into a hitch where his hard drive corrupted, which resulted in losing most of the game files. However, he was able to rebuild everything from scratch in a couple of days and we’re soldering on. Janet is working on our character rig and models. Amy is completing the story elements and art for our cutscenes. I’m hard at work doing environmental and misc. character modelling, helping the others and giving feedback and ready to start on elements like our poster, trailer, and sounds for the game. Here’s some of my progress.

Environment/Enemy Model

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The models are mostly complete. Janet did the base work on the tree stump, which I added onto and textured. More work will be needed on the bear, requiring some animation or particle reflects to emulate the concept art which has a ghostly/ethreal flame body. However, with the first playtest looming, that will be on the backburner to get everything else to a playable state.


A build from a couple of days ago – not everything is reflective of our current work. Mechanics included are movement, jumping, collectibles, powerups, collision, edge detection, chase, menus, and a reachable goal in which the bear falls into the water and a winning screen appears, showing your score, time and option to go back to the menu.

Poster Concepts

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Start Menu Concept


My goal with these designs was to make something simple and minimalistic, yet bold and striking. The main elements of the game are displayed; the characters, the setting, and the spirit of what the game will be like.

UPDATE: Our final menu screen with art by Janet

2017-10-02 01_24_13-New notification

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